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Version: v11.10.1

Create a Page

WaveMaker app is a collection of pages. Learn how to create a page.

New pages can be created to segregate the functionality of the app. Ideally, each page would cater to one business need of the app. New pages can use pre-built templates and layout.

Creating a Page

  1. To create a new page, click the + button.

new page

  1. A new page creation dialog opens. Enter a page name and click Choose Template.

create page flow

Validations for Page name

When creating a page, the following naming conventions should to be followed.

  1. The page name should contain at least one character, and it cannot be a number.
  2. The page name cannot contain special characters.
  3. The page name cannot start with a number.

select template

  1. Filter template types from the left navigation, or choose Black Template.

To learn more about templates, see Templates. Or, to create a your own template, see Create a Template

  1. Click Create.

A page should be created. To navigate to a different page, see page title from the Pages navigation.