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Version: v11.7.5

Live Form - Actions

You can define action buttons using the Actions tab. By default, six actions are provided categorized based upon the behavior of the Form. They are:

Edit mode

  1. Cancel
  2. Save
  3. Reset

Out of all the actions, the cancel and save actions are pre-selected.

View mode

  1. Delete
  2. Update
  3. New

Configuring Live Form Actions

For each action button, you can specify the following:

  • Title
  • Class
  • Display icon
  • On-click Action
    • These can be set for form actions, such as cancel, save and view.
    • For navigation events
    • API invocation.

Multiple events can be handled for a single Action.

  • Type of button
    • submit
    • reset;
  • hidden to hide the button from the form
  • choose an icon to be displayed on the button.

How to Trigger Form Actions

The Form Events can be triggered from actions outside the Live Form. For examples, a button placed outside the Live Form template can trigger a form save the event.

Adding a New Action

New action functionality can be added by clicking on the ADD button, against the respective category. Once the action is specified a code snippet will be created in the JavaScript which can be used to code the desired action. The Action will be a JS function as shown below. Here we have written a function to display an alert dialog. The name of the function is the action field entry in the custom button created earlier.

Page.test = function(){ 