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Version: v11.7.5

Using Variables for Queries and Procedure


  • Use Variable for Queries created in Database. For example, Queries with/without parameters.
  • Queries such as Select distinct to populate select widgets also can be bound to variables.
  • Aggregate Queries also can be bound to Variable.
  • Stored procedures can be bound to Variable.

1. How-to use Variable for a DB Query

2. How-to use Variable for a DB Query to be bound to select widgets which will be used to filter data

3. How-to use Variable for an Aggregate query and bind it to Data table and Chart widgets

4. How-to use Variable to execute a MySQL Procedure

See Also

How-to use Filter in Live Variables
How to use Live Variable APIs
How to work with Notification Actions
How to work with Navigation Actions
How to work with Service Variables in a Form