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Version: v11.8.5

WaveMaker Enterprise Configure SSL for Platform

Follow below steps to Configure SSL for Platform to access Studio with https.

To start this process you need 3 files.

  • crt file
  • private key file
  • bundle file

If you have .pem file, you can extract these files from pem file.

Upload files during the setup process

  • While configuring the setup during the ConfigWizard process you can directly upload the bundle certificate and pemfile from this setp number 3.

ssl for platform

Upload files from the configwizard

  • Alternatively, ConfigWizard allows you to upload the required certifiacates if you have missed to upload during setup process.

  • Login into the CW portal, after login in home page you can see settings icon on the top right as marked below.


  • Navigate to Update SSL Certificates and Upload your certs.


Access Studio using https

  • https://<DOMAIN_NAME>/