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Version: v11.10.2

Build Docker Image

WaveMaker supports micro-service-enabled architecture. This allows you to build applications using container-based technology. Docker is a platform as a service that uses virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries, and configuration files.

To create a Docker image, you start by building a Dockerfile.

System prerequisites

Before proceeding, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Docker Installed: Download and install Docker for your operating system from Docker's official site.
  • WaveMaker Application Project: Ensure you have a WaveMaker project ready for build.

Build Docker Image

Export the project to your local, or you can directly clone from a repository. You should keep the Dockerfile in the root directory of the project.

Creating a Dockerfile

To create a Dockerfile, use the following command. (You can skip this step for any WaveMaker application version 11.10 or later, as it is available by default.)

vi Dockerfile

You can use the following Dockerfile for building Docker images and create Docker containers by using multi-stage Dockerfile. You can decrease the size of the Docker image and can create lightweight containers as well.

# Define build arguments for WaveMaker version and profile
ARG wavemaker_version=latest

# Stage 1: Build the web application artifact
FROM wavemakerapp/app-builder:${wavemaker_version} as webapp-artifact
ADD ./ /usr/local/content/app
ARG profile
ENV profile=${profile}
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.m2 \
--mount=type=cache,target=/root/.npm \
bash /usr/local/bin/ full

# Stage 2: Prepare the runtime environment for the application
FROM wavemakerapp/app-runtime-tomcat:${wavemaker_version}
COPY --from=webapp-artifact /usr/local/content/app/target/*.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/

Save the above Docker file.

Create Docker Image

Build a Docker image by using the below Docker command with different build profiles. You can choose to build with the following build profiles, including development and deployment.


  • profile: The build profile you want to use.
  • wavemaker_version: Specify the WaveMaker release version for the application. This parameter is optional if omitted, it defaults to the latest version. You can set it to a specific version (e.g., 11.9.1) if needed.
docker build --build-arg profile=<deployment-profile> --build-arg wavemaker_version=<wavemaker_version> -t <imagename:version> <project_location>

To use the latest version, simply omit the wavemaker_version parameter:

Example with Latest version:

docker build --build-arg profile=deployment -t wmimage:1.0 .

Example with specific version:

docker build --build-arg profile=deployment --build-arg wavemaker_version=11.9.1 -t wmimage:1.0 .

For more information, see Development Profile and Deployment Profile.

Check Handling Build Failures if build failed.


The wavemakerapp/app-builder & wavemakerapp/app-runtime-tomcat Docker image is packed with required software packages and libraries to deploy WaveMaker Application in Docker containers.