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Version: v11.9.2

Build with Docker

WaveMaker supports micro-service-enabled architecture. This allows you to build and deploy applications using container-based technology. Docker is a platform as a service that uses virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries, and configuration files.

For creating a Docker container, you create a Docker image by building a Dockerfile. For this, you require node and npm as prerequisites for building an application with maven and java.

System prerequisites

Build Docker Image

Export the project to your local, or you can directly clone from a repository. You should keep the Dockerfile in the root directory of the project.

Creating a Dockerfile

To create a Dockerfile, use the following command.

vi Dockerfile

You can use the following Dockerfile for building Docker images and create Docker containers by using multi-stage Dockerfile. You can decrease the size of the Docker image and can create lightweight containers as well.

# Define build arguments for WaveMaker version and profile
ARG wavemaker_version=latest

# Stage 1: Build the web application artifact
FROM wavemakerapp/app-builder:${wavemaker_version} as webapp-artifact
ADD ./ /usr/local/content/app
ARG profile
ENV profile=${profile}
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.m2 \
--mount=type=cache,target=/root/.npm \
bash /usr/local/bin/ full

# Stage 2: Prepare the runtime environment for the application
FROM wavemakerapp/app-runtime-tomcat:${wavemaker_version}
COPY --from=webapp-artifact /usr/local/content/app/target/*.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/

Save the above Docker file.

Create Docker Image

Build a Docker image by using the below Docker command with different build profiles. You can choose to build with the following build profiles, including development and deployment.


  • profile: The build profile you want to use.
  • wavemaker_version: Specify the WaveMaker release version for the application. This parameter is optional if omitted, it defaults to the latest version. You can set it to a specific version (e.g., 11.9.1) if needed.
docker build --build-arg profile=<deployment-profile> --build-arg wavemaker_version=<wavemaker_version> -t <imagename:version> <project_location>

To use the latest version, simply omit the wavemaker_version parameter:

Example with Latest version:

docker build --build-arg profile=deployment -t wmimage:1.0 .

Example with specific version:

docker build --build-arg profile=deployment --build-arg wavemaker_version=11.9.1 -t wmimage:1.0 .

For more information, see Development Profile and Deployment Profile.

Check Handling Build Failures if build failed.

Run Docker Container

For creating a Docker container, use the below Docker command.


You can provide any host_port. For example, 80. The internal port of the container is fixed and not changeable.

docker run --name <containername> -d -p <host_port>:8080 <imagename:version>


docker run --name wmapp -d -p 80:8080 wmimage:1.0

Access Application

If Docker is running on the Host network, use the Host IP address to access the application on the web. Get an Instance IP Address using the following command to access the application on the web. Please run the below command in the web application hosting Instance.

  • Above command will provide the network interfaces and their respective IP Address in Instance. Please use the respective IP Address to access the application on the web. You can access the application with http://<HOST_IP:HOST_PORT>/<APPLICATION_CONTEXT>/.

Build War File Using Docker

To generate the WAR file locally using Docker, follow the steps below. This approach is helpful if you want a containerized, isolated environment for the build process.

Basic Command

Run the following Docker command, replacing <your_project_location> with the path to your local project folder:

docker run --rm -e profile=<profile_name> -v <your_project_location>:/usr/local/content/app wavemakerapp/app-builder:<wavemaker_version>


docker run -rm -e profile=deployment -v /home/user/MySampleApp:/usr/local/content/app wavemakerapp/app-builder

This command mounts your project directory to the container, builds the application, and generates the WAR file in the specified directory.

Optimized Command with Maven and npm Cache

For faster and more efficient builds, you can specify custom Maven and npm cache locations. This setup reduces the need to download dependencies each time by caching them locally.

Replace <local_m2_cache_location>, <local_npm_cache_location> and <your_project_location> with the appropriate paths on your system. For <wavemaker_version>, specify the WaveMaker release version, or set the tag to "latest" (or leave it out) to push the latest version automatically.

docker run --rm -e profile=<profile_name> -e MAVEN_CONFIG=$HOME/.m2 \
-v <local_m2_cache_location>:$HOME/.m2 \
-v <local_npm_cache_location>:$HOME/.npm \
-v <your_project_location>:/usr/local/content/app \


docker run --rm -e profile=deployment -e MAVEN_CONFIG=$HOME/.m2 \
-v ~/.m2:$HOME/.m2 \
-v ~/.npm:$HOME/.npm \
-v /home/user/MySampleApp:/usr/local/content/app \

Explanation of Options

  • -e profile=<profile_name>: Sets the build profile.
  • -e MAVEN_CONFIG=$HOME/.m2: Specifies the location for Maven configuration and cache files.
  • -v <local_m2_cache_location>:$HOME/.m2: Maps your local Maven cache, speeding up dependency resolution.
  • -v <local_npm_cache_location>:$HOME/.npm: Maps your local npm cache, improving build efficiency for projects using npm.
  • -v <your_project_location>:/usr/local/content/app: Maps your project directory to the container’s working directory.

Note: Make sure that the specified directories exist and have the correct permissions for Docker to access them.

Run Container

  • After Completing the build, it will create a project war file in the <your_project_location>/dist folder. Users can use the war file to deploy in the Host tomcat or Tomcat Docker container.
  • For deploying project war using Tomcat Docker container, please use the below command.
docker run -d --name <container_name> -v <your_project_location>/dist/:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ -p <host_port>:8080 wavemakerapp/app-runtime-tomcat:<wavemaker_version>


docker run -d --name wm-app -v /home/user/MySampleApp/dist/:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ -p 80:8080 wavemakerapp/app-runtime-tomcat:<wavemaker_version>

Access Application

If Docker is running on the Host network, use the Host IP address to access the application on the web. Get an Instance IP Address using the following command to access the application on the web. Please run the below command in the web application hosting Instance.

  • Above command will provide the network interfaces and their respective IP Address in Instance. Please use the respective IP Address to access the application on the web. You can access the application with http://<HOST_IP:HOST_PORT>/<APPLICATION_CONTEXT>/.

The wavemakerapp/app-builder & wavemakerapp/app-runtime-tomcat Docker image is packed with required software packages and libraries to deploy WaveMaker Application in Docker containers.


This Docker image is configured to allow users to execute wm-reactnative-cli commands and it is used to preview the react-native applications locally. To know more about creating, installing, and setting up wm-rn-web-preview docker image, see Docker Image for local Web preview.