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Version: v11.10.4

Initialize Setup

Setup Initialization Process

  • WaveMaker platform requires a user; the user should have access to SSH to communicate between Platform, Studioworkspace, and AppDeployment instances, and for creating Docker containers.
  • For WME setup, you can provide your own user with fine-grained access or WaveMaker will create a user called wavemaker with its auto-generated keys.
  • If you want to provide your own user, create a user with specified prerequisites and ensure that the user has SSH access.

Running WME Installer

  • After downloading and extracting the WME installer, run the bash script which is displayed at the terminal as shown in the command below.
    bash /usr/local/content/wme/wme-installer/<version>/ 
  • To configure SSL for platform please refer ssl configuration for platform

  • When prompted, enter the interface name. For example, eth0, ens5; and confirm the IP Address.

  • Provide the CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) range; CIDR is a network range allocation to a particular network address; it will tell you how many network IP addresses are available in a given network.

WME Setup with Own User

For providing your own user in WME setup, follow the steps below:

  • When prompted for do you want to configure your own SSH keys, select y and provide a username and a path to the SSH key.
  • With this user and key, the platform can make SSH connection to StudioWorkspace Instance and AppDeployment Instance.

custom user setup initialization

WME Setup with WaveMaker User

For WaveMaker user, follow the steps below:

  • When prompted for do you want to configure your own SSH keys, select the n option.
  • Now the wavemaker user will use to communicate between the Platform, Studioworkspace, and AppDeployment Instances and for the container creation process.

privellaged user setup initialization

  • After successful initialization, the script will display a URL to perform the rest of the WME setup.
  • Go to http://Platform-Instance-IP:8080 as directed by the above command output to do the WME setup.