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Version: v11.7.5

WaveMaker Enterprise Setup on Hyper-V using VHD


  • VHD file shared by WaveMaker team
  • Hyper-V with version 10.0.x on Windows 10 Pro
  • Permissions to launch VM

This guide has written based on Hyper-V with version 10.0.x.

Launch Platform Instance

  • Open Hyper-V, Right-click on your Hyper-V host, click on New, Select virtual machine for creating a platform virtual machine.


  • Click next on the wizard.


  • Provide name for the virtual machine and click on next.

providing name

  • Select the generation 1 option click on next.

selecting generation type

  • Enter the memory as 16000 MB. You can use the dynamic memory option as per the requirements and click next.

memory assign

  • Select the switch (Virtual Switch) for the connection and click next.

network configuration

  • Select Use an existing virtual hard disk option and browse to select the WME platform VM vhd from your local machine.

hard disk connection

  • Verify the summary page and click on finish.

verify the summary

  • Start and connect to the VM.

staring vm

Launch StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance

  • Use same procedure for StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance.
  • Use StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance VHD.

Security and Networking

  • Do one of the two things below.
    • All traffic opened between Platform Instance and StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance.
    • Configure security rules as per Prerequisites.