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Version: v11.8.5

WaveMaker Enterprise Setup on VMWare ESXi using OVA


  • Platform OVA file shared by WaveMaker team.
  • StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance OVA file shared by WaveMaker team.
  • VMWare ESXi version 6.5 or higher.
  • Permission for launching OVA.

This guide has written based on Esxi version 6.5.

Launch Platform Instance

  • Login into VMWare ESXi Server using Server IP address and user credentials.
  • Select Create/Register VM for creating the new virtual machine.
  • Select creation type as deploy a virtual machine by from an OVF or OVA file.

vm creation type

  • Select OVF or OVA file for VM would like to deploy. User Platform Instance OVA.

selecting ova template

  • Select the database in which to store the configuration and disk files.

select database

  • Select deployment options like networks mappings, disk provisioning, etc.

select deployment option

  • Review your selected configuration and settings, then click on the finish for creating the virtual machine.


  • Wait for few moments for complete successfully the creation of virtual machine.


Launch StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance

  • Use same procedure for StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance- Use StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance OVA.

Security and Networking

  • Do one of the two things below.
    • All traffic opened between Platform Instance and StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instances.
    • Configure security rules as per Prerequisites.