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Version: v11.10.2

Leave Management App

This topic provides step-by-step instructions for building a Leave Management app using the WaveMaker Rapid-Application Development Platform.

This app allows an employee to apply for leave, and it will enable the manager to take action against the leave request.

Pre-Requisite: You are advised to understand the WaveMaker App Development Essentials before starting to build the app.

The following concepts are covered in building this application.

  1. Creating Basic Application
  2. Building the UI – Layouts, Templates and Widgets
  3. Connecting to Database
  4. Creating Variables to access database
  5. Creating Variables to access queries
  6. Binding
  7. Securing the App
  8. Running the App

Creating a Basic Application

App Overview

1DatabaseA predefined sample database is provided to work with.
2ProfileThis is an Employee Profile. It contains the list of employees from the same Department.
3Employee ListView the list of employees within the organisation. Visible to Managers only.
4WorkflowsKeep track of the applied leaves and the statuses.
5SecurityUsers get access to view specific pages only depending on the user-permission level.
6DashboardUse charts to depict the leave utilisation of employees.

Application Flow


WMApp Overview

WMFirst Steps - Page Creation, Page Navigation, Connect to Database

WMBuilding Employee List Page

WMSecuring App

WMBuilding Secure Pages - Profile, My Leaves

WMWorkflows - Apply Leave, Approve/Reject LeavesQueries needed in this step:

  1. tobeApprovedLeaves:

    select e.firstname,e.lastname,e.picurl,e.birthdate,e.job_title,, v.* from employee e,vacation v where e.emp_id=v.emp_id and manager_id=:data and status='Pending'

  2. LeaveAction:

    update Vacation set status = :status where id =:id

WMDashboard using Charts