📄️ Creating an Employee List grouped by City
You can use the List widget to list data from a database. There are various flavors to the List. Here we will be using the Group by property to categorize the List Items based upon a field. We will be building a page to list Employee list grouped by city they live in.
📄️ Creating an Employee List grouped by Birth Month and City
Scenario: To display list grouped by multiple fields like City and State they reside in
📄️ OnRender Event
📄️ Including a Data Table within a List
In this section we will build a custom list with a Data Table.
📄️ Building an Editable List
Scenario: To make List editable.
📄️ Building Cascading Lists
Scenario: To show Master-Detail records using List
📄️ Accessing List Items
1. currentItem & currentItemWidgets
📄️ Localization of Data Table Column Headings
App Localization is the process of rendering your app in multiple languages. WaveMaker allows you to create a dictionary of localized messages so that users can change the language of the application to experience the application in their language.