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Version: v10.15

Install Prerequisites Softwares


The ssh user has privileges(root/sudo) for install/upgrade utility softwares

Platform Instance

  • If given ssh user has privileges(root/sudo) to install/upgrade.
  • WME Installer will automatically install the required software.
  • Same applies for StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance as well.
  • Internet is not required for Installation in this case.

StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance

  • No need to do any configurations. The Platform will do it automatically.

The ssh user does not have privileges install/upgrade utility software

Platform Instance

  • No need to do install any software, WME Installer will automatically install the required software, and execute the below commands to provide required permissions to the ssh nonprivileged user.
  usermod -aG docker <user>
chown -R <user>:<user> /wm-data

StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance

The given ssh user does not have permission to install software Then install below as per the operating system.

  • Install wget
sudo apt-get install wget  -y
  • Install python3.
sudo apt-get install python3 -y
  • Install Docker repository

        apt-get install apt-transport-https
    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
    • To add docker repository for ubuntu xenial(16.04.6)
      echo "deb [arch=amd64] xenial stable" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
    • To add docker repository for ubuntu bionic(18.04.5)
      echo "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
    • To add docker repository for ubuntu focal(
      echo "deb [arch=amd64] focal stable" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
    apt-get update  
    apt-get install iptables ca-certificates -y
  • To upgrade or Install the latest version of Docker

    • Run the following command to list available versions
      apt-cache madison docker-ce
    apt-cache madison docker-ce-cli
    • Run the following command to Install the specific version of Docker
      sudo apt-get install docker-ce=<VERSION_STRING> docker-ce-cli=<VERSION_STRING>
    example: sudo apt-get install docker-ce=5:20.10.7~3-0~ubuntu-focal docker-ce-cli=5:20.10.7~3-0~ubuntu-focal -y
  • If the user given to the Platform doesn't have privileged access, then provide below permission for the user given on StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance.

  • Create a user group if not present in StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance .

      sudo groupadd <user>
  • Have to execute these commands from privileged users.

    • Add user to the docker group.

    • Make the user as an owner for the docker systemd process.

    • data directory should be owned by the user.

    • Give permission to manage docker.service, systemctl daemon-reload, iptable.

          usermod -aG docker <user>
      mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/
      chown -R <user>:<user> /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
      chown -R <user>:<user> /data
      echo "%<user> ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl restart docker,/bin/systemctl daemon-reload,/sbin/iptables" >> /etc/sudoers.d/<sudoers-file-name>


The ssh user has privileges (root/sudo) or user doesn't have privileges for install/upgrade utility softwares

Platform Instance

  • If given ssh user has privileges (root/sudo) or the user doesn't have privileges to install/upgrade. WME Installer will automatically install the Docker software.

  • Install below prerequisites in Platform

  • update cache

   yum update -y
  • Install wget
  yum install wget  -y
  • Install python3
  yum install python3 -y

StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance

Install below software on StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance for unprivileged ssh user's


Use the same version numbers as mentioned.

  • update cache
   yum update -y
  • Install wget
  yum install wget  -y
  • Install container-selinux for RHEL 7 version only
  yum install -y
  • Install the latest version of Docker

    • Install prerequissites to install Docker in RHEL7

         yum-config-manager --add-repo
      sudo yum install slirp4netns-0.4.3-4.el7_8.x86_64.rpm -y
      sudo yum install fuse3-devel-3.6.1-4.el7.x86_64.rpm -y
      sudo yum install fuse3-libs-3.6.1-4.el7.x86_64.rpm -y
      sudo yum install fuse-overlayfs-0.7.2-6.el7_8.x86_64.rpm -y
    • To Install Docker in RHEL 7 use the following commands

    sudo yum install docker-ce-cli-20.10.7-3.el7.x86_64.rpm -y
    sudo yum install -y
    sudo yum install docker-ce-20.10.7-3.el7.x86_64.rpm -y
    • To Install Docker in RHEL 8 use the following commands
      yum-config-manager --add-repo
    sudo yum install docker-ce-cli-20.10.7-3.el8.x86_64.rpm -y
    sudo yum install -y
    sudo yum install docker-ce-20.10.7-3.el8.x86_64.rpm -y
    systemctl enable docker
    systemctl start docker
    docker --version
  • Install python3

  yum install python3 -y

Extra configuration on RHEL Platform Instance if ssh user doesn't have privileges(non sudo users)

  • If the user doesn't have privileged access, then provide the below permissions to the user.
  chown -R <user>:<user> /wm-data
usermod -aG docker <user>

Extra configurations on RHEL StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance if ssh user doesn't have privileges(non sudo users)

  • If the user given to the Platform doesn't have privileged access, then provide below permission for the user given on StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance.

  • Create a user group if not present in StudioWorkspace Instance / AppDeployment Instance .

      sudo groupadd <user>
  • Have to execute these commands as a privileged user.

    • Add user to the docker group.
    • Make a user the owner of the docker systemd process
    • data directory should be owned by the user.
    • Give permission to manage docker.service, systemctl daemon-reload, iptable.
        usermod -aG docker <user>
    chown -R <user>:<user> /usr/lib/systemd/system
    chown -R <user>:<user> /data
    echo "%<user> ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl restart docker,/bin/systemctl daemon-reload,/usr/sbin/iptables" >> /etc/sudoers.d/<sudoers-file-name>