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Version: v11.10.4

WaveMaker 11.5.3 - Release date: 22 January 2024

WaveMaker has released version 11.5.3 with enhancements like conditional classes for input widgets, setting the next button as default in the Wizard widget, and support to add links in the Label along with other bug fixes in React Native and Studio Page Workspace.


  • Wizard Widget: Enabled the next button by default in Forms inside the Wizard widget by introducing the Enable Next property in the properties panel and it will be disabled if the form contains any errors after form submission.
  • Input Widgets: Enabled conditional classes for input widgets that are directly placed on the canvas.
  • toDate pipe: Introduced support to the extension of the current functionality of toDate pipe used to format the date. To show the date in the desired formats, add a custom pipe with the same name as toDate.

D3 and NVD3 Charting Library Upgrade - Web Applications

React Native

React Native Enhancements

  • Now we have extended our support to add links to the Label widget. For example, you can use [About WaveMaker]( syntax to add a link to the Label widget.

React Native Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the next, prev, cancel, done and skip methods were not exposed in the Wizard widget.
  • Fixed the customization issue by adding the active class in the Checkboxset and RadioSet widgets.
  • Fixed the issue where the Prefab.onPropertyChange was not getting triggered on loading the page.
  • Fixed the customization issue by supporting the application of custom color to each bar in the Column chart widget.
  • Fixed the issue where the background image gets extended along with the page content till the bottom of the page when the page-level scroll bar is added.
  • Fixed navigation issue in the Wizard widget by adding the on-change event.
  • Fixed the issue in Tabs where the Label widget took more than 100% of size when added inside the List widget.
  • Fixed the issue in IPA or APK files where a user encountered an error while using the tabs in a page.
  • Fixed the issue where the users were unable to add or customize the toast message styles shown for Notification Actions.
  • Fixed Form validation issue where the Validatefieldsonsubmit method did not show true until the form was selected and the save button was clicked.
  • Fixed an issue in the Checkboxset widget where only one value is getting displayed as the displayValue even when multiple values are selected.
  • Fixed multiple issues such as being unable to input data in Form fields and Text widget in a list, default values not getting displayed in Form fields and Number widget.
  • Fixed the issue where the user was able to view the same data values from props.datavalue and onchange events.
  • Fixed the navigation issue where the user was directed from one step to another even when the condition failed.
  • Fixed the issue where the user can now access the widgets when the On Open event of a dialog is triggered.
  • Fixed the issue in the Number widget where string values are displayed as output on tapping the Reset button.
  • Fixed the issue where the user was redirected to login issue when 401 is thrown from imported web service for a logged-in user.
  • Fixed the issue related to the text-overflow by adding ellipsis support in the Label widget.

Other Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue related to Mockingbird to support mock services for collaborative development.
  • Fixed vulnerabilities in Tomcat.

Studio Page Workspace

  • Fixed the issue where the user was unable to view the hidden tab content.
  • Fixed the issue in the Alert dialog where the button and content were not displaying correctly compared to the previous version.
  • Fixed the issue in the partial Form where the first tab is visible to the user and the rest of the tabs are not displayed.
  • Fixed the issue where the asterisk (*) symbol was not visible in the Variables tab.
  • Fixed the Card widget issue where layouts were not getting displayed in the configuration dialog.

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