📄️ Label
The label represents a caption in a user interface. The label displays text on the page. Common use cases include
📄️ Anchor
📄️ Icon
Many widgets like Panel, Button etc. have a way to display an icon. You can choose the icons from the list of wavicon (thin fonts that abide the iOS and Android mobile style guidelines) or font-awesome icons.
📄️ Picture
📄️ Tree
📄️ Video
📄️ Audio
HTML widget can be used to display HTML content.
📄️ Iframe
NOTE: Iframe is available only for web responsive apps.
📄️ Message
Message widget helps to display a custom message on the page. Based on the message type - error, warning, success, info, loading- the message look and feel changes. For instance, setting the message type to error shows an error icon alongside the message text, which is displayed in red.
📄️ Spinner
Spinner widget controls the user interaction while the browser is performing some work in the background. It gives a feedback if the page is processing or, frozen, or just not working. This widget displays a loading icon with text.
📄️ Search
📄️ Search - Basic Usage
WaveMaker allows you to add search capability via the search widget. Following are the steps in using the same. We will use the search widget to search the Department database from the sample HRDB imported earlier and display the department id and name.
📄️ Richtext Editor
A richtext editor widget allows users to create formatted/styled text similar to entering text into a word processor. The richtext editor is used to generate HTML text codes for your website or blog. The toolbar includes text-specific buttons. This makes it easy to create headers, bold text, italic, lists, set text alignment, embed images, audio, video, and more. Users can also add tables, change fonts, apply changes to font size and color.
📄️ Progress Bar
Progress Bar widget can be used to show the status of any given event. It can be used to represent the completion progress of a task. Progress may be either indeterminate — meaning it is unclear how much work remains before the task is complete (e.g., the task is waiting for a response from a remote host) — or a numeric value between 0 and a given maximum, explicitly specifying the fraction of work that has so far been completed
📄️ Progress Circle
Progress Circle widget can be used to show the status of any given event. It can be used to represent the completion progress of a task. Progress may be either indeterminate — meaning it is unclear how much work remains before the task is complete (e.g., the task is waiting for a response from a remote host) — or a numeric value between 0 and a given maximum, explicitly specifying the fraction of work that has completed.