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Version: v11.9.0

WaveMaker 10.3.3 - Release date: 26 February 2020

WaveMaker released a new update version with features and bug fixes.


  • Edit .sh and .bat files in WaveMaker Studio code editor under file explorer.

Bug fixes

  • Charts were not loading when using it inside a container widget when you conditionally show or hide the container. This is now fixed.
  • Animation was not working for all Dialog widgets when you add custom class property. This is now fixed.
  • Rating Widget would not show the ratings when the pagination of a Data Table is set to None. This is now fixed.
  • When placing two Carousel widgets on a single page, the second one would overlap with the footer area. This is now fixed.
  • For Carousel widget, when you customize the height property, it would conflict with the default value. This is now fixed.
  • Mobile: for calender widget, when you select a date for viewing events, it should show the selected date event, however, other dates with events were also being displayed. This is now fixed.

Technology Stack

UI Frameworks

DescriptionJS LibraryVersion
JS Bindingjquery3.3.1
MVC Frameworkangular7.2.2
Built-in functionslodash4.17.11
Device support, gestureshammerjs2.0.8

Optimised jQuery-UI library excluding unwanted components like accordion, datepicker, dialog, progressbar, spinner, tabs, and all jQuery-UI Effects.

Back-end Frameworks

DescriptionJava LibraryVersion
Spring Framework5.1.4
Security frameworkSpring Security5.0.8
Java JSON utilitiesGson2.8.5
DB Persistence libraryHibernate5.2.17
Sample databaseHSQL2.4.1
JSON libraryJackson2.9.8
Logging frameworkSLF4j1.7.25
Http client libraryHttpComponentshttpclient- 4.5.6 httpmime- 4.5.6
REST API annotationsSwagger1.3.10
Date Time FrameworkJava 8 Date/Time API
Json Librariescom.tdunning1.8
Servlet Framework3.1

Run Time Environment

Cordova (mobile apps) Android iOS9.0.0 8.0.0 5.0.1

This is the default Tomcat runtime support. Apps can be deployed to any standard Java Web Server running on JDK 1.8. For more information, see here.