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Version: v11.10.2

WaveMaker 10.7.2 - Release date: 21 June 2021

WaveMaker releases an update with bug fixes.


  • The Currency and Number widgets now support a new Financial mode of entering data. It is useful in applications dealing with financial information. You can configure this mode by setting the Input Mode property on the widget. By default, the value of this property is Natural mode.
  • For the Upload widget, added the ability to aptly highlight the dropzone when you drop a file inside the app. Further, customize this highlighted area by applying the CSS theme to the project.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue related to project build failing in Windows machine when the project is located in drives other than the C drive.
  • Fixed an issue related to the List widget's getIndex() method returning -1 even when you pass a valid input.

Data Table

  • Fixed an issue related to an error No data found while loading data when multi-filter is enabled and contained multiple Datetime widgets.

Quick Edit Mode in Data Table

  • Fixed an issue related to editing a row. When you select rows and click on a column cell to edit, it selects the next row inline to the previously edited one instead of the clicked one.
  • Fixed an issue related to select and deselect events triggering twice when selecting and working in two separate rows.
  • Fixed an issue related to the value in the number widget incrementing from zero instead of incrementing from the specified input.
  • Fixed an issue related to the keyboard keys not working after saving a row, including arrow, escape and enter keys.

Technology Stack

UI Frameworks

DescriptionJS LibraryVersion
JS Bindingjquery3.3.1
MVC Frameworkangular9.1.12
Built-in functionslodash4.17.11
Device support, gestureshammerjs2.0.8

Optimised jQuery-UI library excluding unwanted components like accordion, datepicker, dialog, progressbar, spinner, tabs, and all jQuery-UI Effects.

Backend Frameworks

DescriptionJava LibraryVersion
Spring Framework5.3.5
Security frameworkSpring Security5.4.5
XSSAntisamy Framework1.6.3
Java JSON utilitiesGson2.8.6
DB Persistence libraryHibernate5.4.31
Sample databaseHSQL2.5.1
JSON libraryJackson2.11.3
Logging frameworkSLF4j1.7.30
Http client libraryHttpComponentshttpclient- 4.5.13 httpmime- 4.5.6
REST API annotationsSwagger1.3.10
Date Time FrameworkJava 8 Date/Time API
Json Librariescom.tdunning1.8
Servlet Framework3.1

Runtime Environment

Weblogic12c (12.1.3)
WebSphere9.0.5 (BASE)
Tomcat8.5.x, 9.x
Cordova (mobile apps) Android iOS10.0.0 9.0.0 6.1.0

This is the default Tomcat runtime support. Apps can be deployed to any standard Java Web Server running on JDK 1.8. For more information, see here.