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Version: v11.10.2

WaveMaker 8.1.0 - Release date: 16 March 2016

Here is a summary of key features, known issues and bug fixes offered in 8.1 Release.


Send to Phonegap

Using Send to PhoneGap mobile build, a complete package for building both apk/ipa files for Android and iOS platforms can be generated. This option can be used for platform independent appstore ready mobile apps.

This is in addition to the Build for Android for APK files generation and Download Cordova ZIP for a local build.

Live List Widget

Navigation property of the Live List widget can be used to define the navigation between paginated list items. Navigation can be set to be:

  • Basic wherein a simple previous and next buttons will aid in navigation,
  • Advanced will give a navigation bar at the bottom of the page listing number of items displayed on each page,
  • Scroll will display the next page on scroll event, i.e. a mouse scroll on the first page will load and display the second page, or
  • Inline which will display back and forward arrows for navigation.

Form Widget

Form Widget can be used to capture parameters for Service Variables of type POST,PUT,DELETE. This widget replaces the earlier Form Layout widget.

For capturing data for database CRUD operations, i.e. using Live Variables, use Live Form.

Live Widgets

Using the Advanced Settings of Live Filter, Live Form and Datagrid multiple events can be handled for a single action. A simple use case would be if you need to navigate to a different page on save of a live form data or click of a datagrid row.

For Datagrid Widget multi-event handling support is extended for fields with widget type as button. Selecting JavaScript as Widget Action will generate the method automatically with default argument as selectedItemData. This will be useful for processing the selected row data and passing it to another page

Text Widget

The Display Format property of text widget, can be used to represent the special tokens/characters used to delimit acceptable ranges of inputs. The values associated with each token are regular expressions. Each regex defines the ranges of values that will be acceptable as inputs in the position of that token.
A Any letter.
9 Any number.

  • Any letter or number.
    ? Make any part of the mask optional.

For example, displayformat=”(999) 999-9999″ can be used to accept numeric values for a phone number.


  1. WaveMaker apps support token based authentication. Token based authentication allows users fetch a specific resource using a token instead of their username and password.
  2. The default value for Date, Time and Datetime widgets can be set to Current Date and Time.
  3. Spinner widget has a new type property which can be set to icon or image.
  4. Menu Widget has a new animation property which can be set to define the way menu items make appearance when the menu is opened.
  5. Search widget has the properties for required, readonly or disabled. Also Type property can used to display or hide the search icon.
  6. Use onPageReady method to access widgets/variables on page load. onPageVariablesReady method is deprecated.
  7. Remember Me feature for secured WaveMaker apps has been extended to all security service providers.

Technology Stack

UI Framework

DescriptionJS LibraryVersion
JS Bindingjquery2.2.0
MVC Frameworkangular1.5.0
CORS support, prefabsxdomain0.7.5
Built-in functionslodash4.5.0
Device support, gestureshammerjs2.0.6

*Optimised jQuery-UI library excluding unwanted components like accordion, datepicker, dialog, progressbar, spinner, tabs, and all jQuery-UI Effects.

Back-end Frameworks

DescriptionJava LibraryVersion
Spring Framework4.2.0
Security frameworkSpring Security3.2.3
Java JSON utilitiesGson2.2.4
DB Persistence libraryHibernate4.3.11
Sample databaseHSQL2.3.3
JSON libraryJackson2.6.3
Logging frameworkSLF4j1.7.12
Http client libraryHttpComponentsclient-4.3.3, core-4.3.2, mime-4.2.5
REST API annotationsSwagger1.3.10
Logging frameworkLog4j1.2.17

Run Time Environment
