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Version: v11.10.2

WaveMaker 8.2.3 - Release date: 12 July 2016

Here is a summary of key features, known issues and bug fixes offered in 8.2.3 Release.


Introducing Card Widget

The new Cards widget is a view of items that are rendered responsively across a wide range of mobile devices and screen sizes. Cards are the popular UI elements used in the implementation of many contemporary apps and websites, including social portals, online shopping websites etc. Cards widget brings designer-built cards for enterprise applications, providing world-class look and feel for WaveMaker-built apps.

Data Table

Data Table is an improvement and replacement of the earlier Datagrid widget. Data Table can be editable or read-only with editable options being inline or dialog-based. Data Table provides a tabular view for database Entities or API response data.

Database Enhancements

Working with databases:

  • Database Import has been renamed to Connect to Database, to clearly indicate that the database schema is imported into WaveMaker applications by directly connecting to the database.
  • Create Database dialog now includes option to import of a script file.
  • Database columns can be configured to be User defined, Server defined and DB defined types
    • User defined properties are passed on from the frontend layer to the backend services through API.
    • Server defined properties take the values configured by the backend service and are not passed on through API. e.g.: Auditing details for maintaining create/update time for every record.
    • DB defined properties take the default values provided during creation of DB schema
  • Introducing New identity generator – “UNIQUE ID” for string types for MS SQL Server only. An identity generator defines the value of the column in database table while inserting new records into it.

Googlemaps Prefab

Introducing new map type – Heatmap.

The Googlemaps Prefab can now be used to depict three types of maps:

  1. Markers – provide visual markets for given data set of locations across the globe
  2. Heatmap – provides a heat map based on the locations provided, usually adding a colored layer with gradient indicating intensity. e.g.: heatmap of areas with most number of restaurants or most crimes reported in the last year etc.
  3. Route – displays route between given origin and destination points, adds traffic layer and wayback points if required.

Usability Enhancements

Terminology changes

Following are the changes related to widgets and property naming conventions

  • Live or Data Grid renamed to Data Table
  • LiveList widget has been renamed to List
  • Card based templates offered by the LiveList have been moved out to the new widget Cards
  • Chart widget properties have been moved to Advanced Settings
  • Tab Order, Hint, Help Text, Shortcut Key properties are moved to the Accessibility group in Properties Panel
  • Badge Type and Value properties for applicable widgets now show up in Basic Properties group

Working with Multiple Dialogs

Working with multiple dialogs is now made easier by providing tab based switching to different dialogs in design mode, within canvas area.


DB Widgets are removed from the widgets panel from this release, they offered same functionality as Data Table or List widgets with pre-defined data-set binding to a specific Entity. These have been removed for the reasons of redundancy.

Known Issues

Googlemaps Prefab: The new projects deployed to external server will need the API Key in order to use Maps. The old projects will continue to work until there are more updates from google. This is due to the policy change updates from Google regarding the Maps API from June 22.

Please refer here for more information on the Google Policy change. This issue will be addressed in future releases.

For now the following workaround will enable the Googlemaps:

  1. Locate and open the config.json file, you will find it at /app/prefabs/googlemaps/config.json
  2. You will find the following code: "scripts": [",visualization,drawing,geometry"],
  3. Add key=YOUR_API_KEY& as shown below: YOUR_API_KEY is the key you obtain once you register your app at Google
    "scripts": [",visualization,drawing,geometry"],

Technology Stack

UI Framework

DescriptionJS LibraryVersion
JS Bindingjquery2.2.3
MVC Frameworkangular1.5.5
CORS support, prefabsxdomain0.7.5
Built-in functionslodash4.12.0
Device support, gestureshammerjs2.0.8

*Optimised jQuery-UI library excluding unwanted components like accordion, datepicker, dialog, progressbar, spinner, tabs, and all jQuery-UI Effects.

Back-end Frameworks

DescriptionJava LibraryVersion
Spring Framework4.2.o
Security frameworkSpring Security3.2.3
Java JSON utilitiesGson2.2.4
DB Persistence libraryHibernate4.3.11
Sample databaseHSQL2.3.3
JSON libraryJackson2.6.3
Logging frameworkSLF4j1.7.12
Http client libraryHttpComponentsclient-4.3.3, core-4.3.2, mime-4.2.5
REST API annotationsSwagger1.3.10
Logging frameworkLog4j1.2.17

Run Time Environment
