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Version: v11.10.1


Switch widget can help switching between 3 or more different options by pressing a single key.


NameThe name is a unique identifier for Switch widget.
HintAny text or an HTML you enter for this property will be shown as a tooltip if the mouse hovers over this widget for 1.5 seconds.
Tab indexThe tab index attribute specifies the tab order of an element. You can use this property to change the default tabbing order for widget access using the tab key. The value can range from 0 to 32767. The default is 0 and -1 makes the element non-focusable. NOTE: In Safari browsers, by default, Tab highlights only text fields. To enable Tab functionality, in Safari Browser from Preferences -> Advanced -> Accessibility set the option "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage".
WidthThe width of your widget can be specified in px or % (i.e 50px, 75%).
HeightThe height of your widget can be specified in px or % (i.e 50px, 75%).
Default Value
ValueThis is the default value to display value for an editor widget. Note that the display value is just what the user sees initially, and is not always the dataValue returned by the widget. By default, it is set to yes.
ValueSet this property to a variable to populate the list of values to display. By default, it is set to yes, no, maybe.
Data fieldThis property sets the dataValue to be returned by a select editor when the list is populated using the dataSet property.
Display fieldThis property sets the displayValue to show in the select editor when the list is populated using the dataSet property.
Order byThis allows for multiple selections for ordering the display of rows based on fields in asc or desc order - up arrow for asc and down arrow for desc
RequiredA required editor in wm.LiveForm may refuse to save without a required field.
ShowShowing determines whether or not a component is visible. It is a bindable property.
Load on Demand (visible only when show property is bound to a variable)When this property is set and show property is bound, the initialization of the widget will be deferred till the widget becomes visible. This behavior improves the load time. Use this feature with caution, as it has a downside (as we will not be able to interact with the widget through script until the widget is initialized). When show property is not bound the widget will be initialized immediately.
DisabledIf the disabled property is true (checked) the value of the editor cannot change. The widget becomes display-only.


ChangeThis event handler is called each time your element's value changes.
Mouse Events
On clickThis event handler is called whenever the click event is triggered on a widget.
On mouse enterThis event occurs when the pointer is moved onto a widget.
On mouse leaveThe mouse leave event occurs when the mouse pointer leaves a widget.
Touch Events
On tapThis event handler is called whenever the tap event is triggered on a widget.