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Version: v11.10.2

Data Table Configuration


Access to the following features from the Advanced Settings property of a Data Table.

Search and Filter Configuration

Search and Filter facility is particularly helpful when dealing with huge tables. Instead of restricting the data being displayed, the option can be left to the user to decide which data to be displayed.

In WaveMaker this can be achieved via the filter mode property. The various options available are:

  • no filter - would give a plain table,
  • search  - to include a search by field widget at the top of the data table, wherein the user can select the field on which the search can be performed,
  • multi-column - to include filter conditions for each column based on the column data type. The condition could start with, ends with, is null etc. etc.. This feature can be disabled for a specific column from the column settings.


You can add Sorting capability to a Data Table, thus allowing the end-user to sort the rows, based upon the column/fields of their choice. By enabling this property, every column header becomes clickable which toggles the display order. This can be overridden at the column level.

In case the underlying Variable has the order by field set, that will be honored with priority given to Data Table sort in case of conflict.


End-user can also be provided with a way to select rows and columns of a table.

  • Select the first row by default
  • Row selection can be either
    • single with the display of a radio button or
    • multiple with the display of a checkbox. This option is not available for Data Grid with Form layout
  • Column selection needs to be further configured using the On Column Select and On Column Deselect events.
  • For Quick Edit and Inline Edit, New row position can be specified to be at the bottom or at the top of the Data Table.



Pagination is dividing the set of data rows into discrete pages that will allow users to view data in the form of rows across pages. This should allow for easy navigation across pages for viewing and editing of data. This property depends on the underlying variable configuration. The records to be fetched per request decides the page size of the data table. If the records exceed that limit, then they will be displayed on the next page.

Pagination Type: To make complete use of pagination, the Data Table provides three unique types of pagination.


This option gives a next and previous arrow along with the page numbers at the right bottom of the page.


A bar with the total number of pages and number of items on the current page will be displayed along with arrows for pagination.


This option gives the next and previous buttons at the bottom of the page which when clicked goes forward or backward one row.

On Demand

This option gives flexibility to visualize a large dataset in smaller manageable pages with size configured are displayed at a time and the next page is shown on click of the View More button at the end of the table. On the last page, View Less button can also be configured to return to the first page.

  • This approach is particularly useful when dealing with datasets that are too large to be displayed all at once, as it helps improve performance, user experience, and readability.


Infinite Scroll

This option is similar to on demand type in all terms except that next page is shown on scroll event not on a button click.


No pagination is applied, whole dataset is shown in table at once.

Export Data

The user can Export the Data Table to an Excel or CSV format. This option is available only when the Data Source is a Variable based on database CRUD APIs or a Variable based upon a java service or depending on a query.

'Export Data Size' property on data table specifies the number of records to be exported. Based on the profile settings limit, records are fetched. If you specify an export data size value, records are fetched based on this value. By default, the value is set to 100, the maximum export size.

To export more than 100 records, the max size in the profile needs to be changed from the Project Configurations menu of Project Workspace.

Only the contents displayed in the Data Table will be exported, as opposed to the contents of the entire underlying database table. For each column selected for display, you can customize the export value using Value Expressions. Value Expression has to be set for custom fields.



Configure various messages to display at different stages of Data Table rendering. For example, configure a message to display when No Data is found or when data is loading. Depending on the selected layout type, the message list will vary.

You can configure Messages for View More and View Less buttons in Data Table with On-Demand and Infinite Scroll paginations.

Message On Error, Message On Add and Message On Update can be configured for CRUD operations in editable grids.