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Version: v11.10.2

Form - Events & Methods


Form behavior can be customized with the help of the call-back events. These events can be accessed from the events tab on the Properties panel. The trigger for the event can be JavaScript, another Variable call etc..

EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On before submitThis event will be called before submitting the form. Any validation checks can be performed here. Returning false from the script will stop the form submit.

We are assuming that Notification Action notificationAction1 is already created.

Page.form1Beforesubmit = function ($event, widget, $data) {
//$data has the data of the all widgets inside the form. This data can be modified and validated before sending the request

//Validation can be performed here. If validation fails, return false will stop the operation and service call will not be made
if (data.password.length < 6) {
"class": "error",
"message": "Password too small",
"position": "center center"
return false;
//Data can be modified before making a service call
$data.dateModified =; //Set today's date as modified date field
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On submitThis event will be called on submitting the form. (This is called after ‘on before submit’. If on before submit returns false, this function will not be called).
Page.form1Submit = function ($event, widget, $formdata) { 
//$formData has the data of the all widgets inside the form.
console.log(“Form data:”, $formdata);
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On resultThis event will be called after the form is submitted and API returns a response. This event is triggered in both success and failure cases.
Page.form1Result = function ($event, widget, $data) { 
//$data has the response returned from the API.
console.log(“server response:”, $data);
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On successThis event will be called after the form is submitted and API returns a success response.
Page.form1Success = function ($event, widget, $data) { 
//$data has the response returned from the API.
console.log(“The inserted data:”, $data);
EventTrigger and JavaScript Usage
On errorThis event will be called after the form is submitted and API returns a failure response.
Page.form1Error = function ($event, widget, $data) { 
//$data has the error message returned from the API.
console.log(“Error returned from server:”, $data);


Form has few methods exposed on widget scope.

  • To submit form:
//This method submits the form.
//This method can be used if form is to be submitted from outside of the form.
  • To clear messages from the form:
//This method removes the success/error message on the form.