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Version: v11.10.1

WaveMaker 11.7.3 - Release date: 17 June 2024

This release includes performance improvements, and some bug fixes.

Date Widget Enhancements

  • Date Entry: Define a specific format (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY) for user input in the Date Widget. This ensures consistency and eliminates confusion when entering dates. This enforcement is a flag based option through the properties panel.

Locale Settings: The displayed date format will adapt based on your chosen locale. However, the enforced entry format will take priority, ensuring consistent user input regardless of locale.

Performance Improvements

  • Dialogs now load their content only when you click them to open. This helps web pages with many complex dialogs load faster.
  • Bind Dialog and Tab Loading: Tabs in the bind dialog now load only when needed, improving navigation speed and overall performance.
  • Web pages with many dialogs, containing a lot of Widgets and Prefabs will now load and perform better with lazy loading; dialog content only loads when the dialog is clicked.
  • Prefabs load faster; reducing the number of calls needed to access properties and configuration files.
  • Optimized Angular builds to reduce the size of the generated application files (like vendor.js and main.js); the studio loads noticeably faster.

Bug Fixes

React Native

  • Fixed an issue where the user was unable to view the Toaster message even when the input record was successfully saved.
  • Fixed an issue where the Live form event parameters were not returning the required data.
  • Fixed an issue related to the Form widget where the input data was not getting bound to the created variable dataset during the submission.
  • Fixed an issue where the input record is not getting saved in the database while using database CRUD variables. No network call is getting triggered on clicking the Save button.
  • Fixed an issue with the Live Form widget where user was unable to save any form field input data and view any changes even after saving the data.

Studio Fixes

  • Fixed Radio button selection; only one radio button can be selected at a time, as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Bind Dialog tabs wouldn't render if no dataset was provided; tabs display as expected, regardless of the data availability.
  • Data widgets now display all available endpoints during configuration for imported APIs; ensures a complete view of your API's functionality.
  • Fixed an issue with database deletion preventing the single imported database in the API workspace; delete a solo database with the expected results.
  • Fixed an issue with Menu in Navbar related to Submenu opening direction. The submenu of a Menu widget placed inside a navbar would initially open upwards on the first click and then downwards on subsequent clicks.
  • Fixed a transparency issue with the background of expanded child menus, ensuring better readability of the submenu content.

Technology Stack

UI Frameworks

DescriptionJS LibraryVersion
JS Bindingjquery3.7.1
MVC Frameworkangular16.2.12
Chartingd3 3.5.17 -> 7.8.5
nvd3 1.8.6 -> 1.8.11
Built-in functionslodash4.17.21
Device support, gestureshammerjs2.0.8

Optimized jQuery-UI library excluding unwanted components like accordion, datepicker, dialog, progressbar, spinner, tabs, and all jQuery-UI Effects.

Backend Frameworks

DescriptionJava LibraryVersion
Spring Framework 5.3.35 -> 5.3.36
Security frameworkSpring Security5.8.12
Java JSON utilitiesGson2.11.0
DB Persistence libraryHibernate5.6.15.Final
Sample databaseHSQL 2.7.2 -> 2.7.3
JSON libraryJackson2.17.1
Logging frameworkSLF4j1.7.36
Logging ImplementationLog4j22.18.0
Http client libraryHttpComponents - httpclient4.5.14
Servlet Framework4.0.4
Database Connection PoolingHikariCP5.1.0

Runtime Environment

WebSphere Liberty19.0.0.1+
JBoss Wildfly15+
Cordova (mobile apps)

Cordova-Android supports from Android 24 (Nougat).

This is the default Tomcat runtime support. Apps can be deployed to any standard Java Web Server running on JDK 11. For more information, see here.

Build Environment for Studio


With the release of 11.4, we have ended our support for WaveMaker 10 projects. To know more, see Ending Support to WaveMaker 10 Projects.

Build Environment 11

React Native 11


Angular Web and Mobile 11


For more information about building projects with Maven, see here.