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Version: v11.10.1

WaveMaker 11.7.1 - Release date: 27 May 2024

WaveMaker 11.7.1 is here with a new feature, Pull Request (PR) Flow. This also includes some enhancements like Internationalization (i18n) message customization, extended Semantic Versioning, disabling Prefab editing in a project, and other bug fixes.

New Features

Pull Request Flow

To support development collaboration, WaveMaker introduced developer branching. When a developer pushes code, a dedicated development branch is created in the code repository. With this, the changes pushed by the developer can be reviewed instead of automatically merging the changes to the Remote Tracking Branch (RTB).


PR Flow is applicable for WaveMaker Teams users. For more information about how to use it, see Pull Request Flow for Custom VCS.


Edit Commit Message

We have extended support to allow editing commit messages during the Core Project Upgrade and Branch merge. This means users can now add or modify the commit message in the same dialog used to finalize the merge process.

Full Semantic Version Support for Prefabs Publishing

We previously introduced Semantic Versioning for publishing Artifacts using the Major.Minor.Patch format. We've now extended this support to include pre-release and build details.

For example, a version might look like 1.2.1-beta+1234, where:

  • 1: Major version
  • 2: Minor version
  • 1: Patch version
  • -beta: Pre-release identifier (lowercase hyphen followed by a pre-release label)
  • +1234: Build metadata (optional identifier prefixed with a plus sign)


Disable Prefab Editing inside the Application

To streamline the development process, editing Prefabs directly within the application is not allowed. Developers should make code changes to the Prefab project itself and then publish the updated project to see the changes reflected in the application.

Internationalization Message Customization for Prefabs used in a Project

Introduced a new dialog for editing internationalization (i18n) messages for Prefab system messages within the project, which eliminates the need to manually edit the messages in the en.json or af.json, or other i18n files using File Explorer.

Label Widget - Accessibility

To improve accessibility for labels used within any widget, we replaced the <label> tag with more specific tags like <h1> to <h6> or <p> depending on the selected layout. By default, the <p> tag is used if no layout is selected.


Labels within forms will continue to function as before and are not affected by this change. For more details, you can refer to our comprehensive blog post here.

Datatable Widget - Filter on Key Press

In Advanced Settings, when the Filter Mode is set to Search, a new option called Filter on Key Press has been added. This allows users to filter data as they type in the search field, eliminating the need to click Search.

Other Improvements

Support for Runtime Version Switching in New Studio

Runtime patches are used to address bugs or regression issues in the runtime of both Web and React Native applications. They are easy to apply and with this feature, it becomes easy to revert to another runtime version. Without any downtime, the user can roll back to previous deployment versions.

Bug Fixes

Fixed Landing Page Determination by App Roles

  • Fixed an issue where the landing page visible upon logging in is now determined by the priority settings specified in the App Roles section when the user is assigned multiple roles.

Project Runtime Version

  • Fixed project runtime version defaulting to base runtime version when a new user joins or a branch project created in a project using supported runtime version.

Prefab Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the user was unable to view the branch name when the branch name was provided in the Search field to publish a Prefab.
  • Fixed error handling issue by adding proper error message when accessing Prefab resources.

Other Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in React Native and Cordova Zip generation where the profile name was not taken during the Maven build when passed using the -P flag.
  • Fixed an issue where the page content scrolled down when using the Tab widget.
  • Fixed an issue while using multiple Panel widgets where, on preview, the action items in the first panel were in focus even if the action items in the next panel were selected.
  • Fixed an issue during Profile configuration where the user was unable to add environmental variables under the App Environment section.
  • Fixed an issue where the user was unable to perform any VCS action and it threw multiple console errors while creating a Partial page by adding the page markup.
  • Fixed an issue in Datatable where the checkbox against the row was getting selected on clicking the action button.

New Studio Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Web template bundle was not supported in the New Studio.
  • Fixed an issue while creating a Model variable where the input field values got erased once the Type field value was erased.
  • Fixed an issue in the Date widget where the Date pattern and Output format fields were not getting reflected in the Markup section.
  • Fixed an issue where the New User table values were not being properly aligned when the user was assigned multiple roles after setting a security provider.
  • Fixed an issue in the Security configuration where the Priority column was not visible in the App Roles table.
  • Fixed an issue in the API Service Import section where the Add and Delete icons were visible in the projects with role permissions set to Default.
  • Fixed an issue related to the imported Swagger file where the hostname was asked while saving changes in the Profile Configuration section.

Technology Stack

UI Frameworks

DescriptionJS LibraryVersion
JS Bindingjquery3.7.1
MVC Frameworkangular16.2.12
Built-in functionslodash4.17.21
Device support, gestureshammerjs2.0.8

Optimized jQuery-UI library excluding unwanted components like accordion, datepicker, dialog, progressbar, spinner, tabs, and all jQuery-UI Effects.

Backend Frameworks

DescriptionJava LibraryVersion
Spring Framework 5.3.34 -> 5.3.35
Security frameworkSpring Security5.8.12
Java JSON utilitiesGson 2.10.1 -> 2.11.0
DB Persistence libraryHibernate5.6.15.Final
Sample databaseHSQL2.7.2
JSON libraryJackson 2.17.0 -> 2.17.1
Logging frameworkSLF4j1.7.36
Logging ImplementationLog4j22.18.0
Http client libraryHttpComponents - httpclient4.5.14
Servlet Framework4.0.4
Database Connection PoolingHikariCP5.1.0

Runtime Environment

WebSphere Liberty19.0.0.1+
JBoss Wildfly15+
Cordova (mobile apps)

Cordova-Android supports from Android 24 (Nougat).

This is the default Tomcat runtime support. Apps can be deployed to any standard Java Web Server running on JDK 11. For more information, see here.

Build Environment for Studio


With the release of 11.4, we have ended our support for WaveMaker 10 projects. To know more, see Ending Support to WaveMaker 10 Projects.

Build Environment 11

React Native 11


Angular Web and Mobile 11


For more information about building projects with Maven, see here.