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Version: v11.10.0

WaveMaker 11.7.0 - Release date: 29 April 2024

WaveMaker 11.7.0 is here with New Studio with enhanced user experience and performance. This release has new features like API reimport and impact analysis along with many enhancements and bug fixes. In React Native, we have introduced many new features like CSS variables for styling, Dynamic forms, Accessibility, and Custom Template for widgets along with enhancements and bug fixes.

New Features

New Studio and ProjectsHub

We announced our successful initial release of New Studio in our 11.6 release where we talked about our phased rollout of New Studio. And now with this release, New Studio is going to be the default studio for all users. In this New Studio, users will land on the ProjectHub page with a better user experience. To understand more about the New Studio, see Announcing WaveMaker 11.6 release - What's new.

Angular 16

We are upgrading our platform to Angular 16 from Angular 15 with better performance and user experience. To learn more, see Angular 16 Upgrade.

Support Corporate Proxy for APIs

WaveMaker is now honoring Corporate Proxy server configuration for enhanced connectivity. For example, the user can configure proxy servers to access the external APIs without having to explicitly expose them to the server directly. To know more, see Enabling Proxy in WaveMaker Enterprise.


Applicable for WME users only.

API Reimport and Impact Analysis

Introducing API Reimport and Impact Analysis, which makes the entire process of reimporting REST APIs much easier. You can assess the impact at the time of API reimport. This additionally provides resolution steps for immediate rectification, making development smoother and more stable. To know more, see Re-Import REST APIs via Swagger/OAS.

New in React Native

Support of CSS Variables

Now, styling is made easier by introducing CSS variables to maintain and update styles easily in an application. These CSS variables can be defined once and reused anywhere in the application. To know more, see CSS Variables.

Separating Web and Native Logic

Introduced support to add web.js and native.js files separately, making it easier to add the platform-specific requirements which can allow users to customize functionalities based on the platform. To understand how to add the files separately, see Custom JS Module.

Applying Custom Template for widgets

Introduced Custom templates for widgets in React Native. This feature can be used to change the look and feel of the widgets. To know more, see How to Apply Custom Template for Widgets.

Dynamic Forms

Introduced support for Dynamic forms in the React Native platform to allow users to handle the varying fields by adapting the fields and layout based on the metadata received from an API. To learn more, see Dynamic Form.


WaveMaker already supports Web Accessibility and has now introduced it for the React Native platform. This helps people with disabilities to use different Assistive Technologies (AT) and Adaptive Strategies for business benefits. To know many other advantages, see Accessibility.

Material 3 Design System

Introducing Material 3 design system backed by Google, as default for all the widgets. This helps to maintain UI consistency while designing the widgets enhancing the user experiences across platforms.

Code at Beginning of App Launch

Introducing a feature to add code at the beginning of the App launch that allows users to enhance application customization.


  • Introduced TLSv1.3 support for Rest APIs and it is enabled by default. To know more, see REST Request Timeouts.
  • With the 11.7 release, the project that does not have soap services will not have soap-related dependencies in the WAR file. This will reduce the WAR footprint by around 20+ jars and the projects with soap service dependencies will have no changes.
  • Now, we have moved all the Javax maven dependencies to Jakarta, Javax dependencies are excluded in the compile time and runtime by marking the dependencies as provided in the parent POM. The updated Jakarta dependencies will continue to use Javax packages until we move to Java 17. The reason for migrating to Jakarta is to avoid class collisions in the duplicate JAR files.

Enhancements - React Native

  • Added support to hide the scroll bar by setting it as transparent page content
  • Introduced customization support to use any character instead of asterisks in the text field of password type.
  • Introduced an option to switch from the Material 3 design system to the older WaveMaker design system.
  • Introduced load event in the Wizard step.
  • Added a few properties, Icon Url, Icon Width, Icon Height, and Icon Margin to Anchor, Button, Popover, Panel, Card, Design Dialog, Alert Dialog, and Confirm Dialog widgets.
  • Added Pagination support for List Widget. To know more, see Adding UI Pagination for API Server-side Pagination.
  • Added Material 3 Animations on widgets.
  • Added a property, nooflines, to allow setting ellipsis to the text when text is multiline in the label inside the list template.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in Forms where the CaptionPosition on form fields is set to float and an overlap of placeholder and label is observed.
  • Fixed an issue where the user was unable to view the pop-up for conflicts during an artifact upgrade.
  • Fixed an issue where a console error was observed on activating the focus bar on the bottom of the line bar by extending the chartInstance value.
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to launch Cordova apps.
  • Fixed an issue when the OpenId authentication was enabled user was unable to open cross-domain iframes.
  • Fixed an issue where a unary operator like a minus operator in front of any value, was not working when used in any expression.
  • Fixed an issue related to the web service that downloads the file if we pass path parameters through JavaScript.

Bug Fixes - React Native

  • Fixed an issue where the existing formatter functionalities can be overridden by creating a custom formatter with the same name.
  • Fixed the issue in the Form widget where the users can now customize the icon position in the action button.
  • Fixed the issue with Local Preview that exited on encountering a compilation error and needs to be rerun using preview commands.
  • Fixed the number widget issue where the On Change event was not getting triggered on clicking the dot in decimal-type numbers.
  • Fixed an issue in the Checkbox widget where the user can now customize the checkbox to have rounded corners.
  • Fixed an issue in the Wizard widget where the user was unable to disable the previous button from JS by setting the enablePrev function as false.

Technology Stack

UI Frameworks

DescriptionJS LibraryVersion
JS Bindingjquery3.6.0 -> 3.7.1
MVC Frameworkangular 15.2.9 -> 16.2.12
ngx-bootstrap6.2 -> 9.0.0
Built-in functionslodash4.17.21
Device support, gestureshammerjs2.0.8

Optimized jQuery-UI library excluding unwanted components like accordion, datepicker, dialog, progressbar, spinner, tabs, and all jQuery-UI Effects.

Backend Frameworks

DescriptionJava LibraryVersion
Spring Framework 5.3.33 -> 5.3.34
Security frameworkSpring Security 5.8.11 -> 5.8.12
Java JSON utilitiesGson2.10.1
DB Persistence libraryHibernate5.6.15.Final
Sample databaseHSQL2.7.2
JSON libraryJackson 2.16.1 -> 2.17.0
Logging frameworkSLF4j1.7.36
Logging ImplementationLog4j22.18.0
Http client libraryHttpComponents - httpclient4.5.14
Servlet Framework 4.0.1 -> 4.0.4
Database Connection PoolingHikariCP5.1.0

Runtime Environment

WebSphere Liberty19.0.0.1+
JBoss Wildfly15+
Tomcat 9.0.86 -> 9.0.87
Cordova (mobile apps)
12.0.0 -> 12.0.1 6.3.0 -> 7.1.0

Cordova-Android supports from Android 24 (Nougat).

This is the default Tomcat runtime support. Apps can be deployed to any standard Java Web Server running on JDK 11. For more information, see here.

Build Environment for Studio


With the release of 11.4, we have ended our support for WaveMaker 10 projects. To know more, see Ending Support to WaveMaker 10 Projects.

Build Environment 11

React Native 11

Maven 3.9.5 -> 3.9.6

Angular Web and Mobile 11

Maven 3.9.5 -> 3.9.6
npm6.14.13 -> 9.5.1

For more information about building projects with Maven, see here.