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Version: v11.10.4

Upgrade with Non Root WME Execution

If the ssh user does not have privileges(root/sudo), Please follow below steps.


Make sure for Patch case the non-root-execution-user-name is same as previously executed platform user, by default it is WaveMaker if no custom user is selected , if selected make sure to use that custom user for non-root execution.

Platform Instance

  • Please add below content in sudoers file so that the non-root-user can excute the commands mentioned in the below content as a previliged user.

         sudo echo "<non-root-execution-user-name> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl daemon-reload, /bin/systemctl restart docker, /bin/systemctl status docker, /bin/systemctl stop docker, /bin/systemctl start docker, /usr/sbin/service docker restart, /usr/sbin/service docker start, /usr/sbin/service docker stop, /usr/sbin/service docker status, /sbin/ip link set docker0 down, /sbin/ip link del dev docker0 type bridge, /usr/bin/chown" >> /etc/sudoers

For an Example

sudo echo "non-root-username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl daemon-reload, /bin/systemctl restart docker, /bin/systemctl status docker, /bin/systemctl stop docker, /bin/systemctl start docker, /usr/sbin/service docker restart, /usr/sbin/service docker start, /usr/sbin/service docker stop, /usr/sbin/service docker status, /sbin/ip link set docker0 down, /sbin/ip link del dev docker0 type bridge, /usr/bin/chown" >> /etc/sudoers
  • Change permission for few directories to non-root user after docker installation/upgrade

        sudo chown -R <non-root-execution-user-name>:<non-root-execution-user-name> /usr/lib/systemd/system
    sudo chown -R <non-root-execution-user-name>:<non-root-execution-user-name> /etc/sysconfig
    sudo chown -R <non-root-execution-user-name>:<non-root-execution-user-name> /etc/systemd/system
    sudo chown -R <non-root-execution-user-name>:<non-root-execution-user-name> /wm-runtime/setup/setup-registry-server/registry
  • Check user permissions for jq and python and make sure you are able to execute jq and python commands from the non-root user

For external no new prerequisites required please follow old steps it self

Once this is done switch to your not root user where you can execute the WaveMaker Upgrade for fresh setup/patch