Docker Image for local Web preview
This Docker image is configured to allow users to execute wm-reactnative-cli
Software packages Installed in Docker Image
Download Docker.
Installed software packages for WaveMaker Application Build
- Curl
- Node Js
- Unzip
- Git
Building Image with Docker File
To build a image from docker file, check the following steps
1. Create Docker File
To create a wm app builder Dockerfile, use the following command.
You can use the following Dockerfile to build Docker images and create Docker containers for creating rn-project previewing.
FROM ubuntu:focal
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install curl -y
RUN curl -SLO
RUN chmod 500
RUN ./ 18
RUN apt-get install nodejs -y
RUN apt-get install unzip -y
RUN apt-get install git -y
RUN npm install -g @wavemaker/wm-reactnative-cli@1.6.1
Save the above
2. Create Docker Image
Build the Docker image using the below command
docker image build -t <image-name>:1.0 -f
example: docker image build -t wavemaker/wm-rn-web-preview:1.0 -f
Build Image with a tag from Docker Hub
To Build Image with a specific tag from Docker Hub, Pull the wm-rn-web-preview
Image by running the following command
docker pull wavemakerapp/wm-rn-web-preview:<tag>
example: docker pull wavemakerapp/wm-rn-web-preview:latest
Setup wm-rn-web-preview Container
Follow the instructions below to setup a wm-rn-web-preview container.
If there is an already exsisting container with name
, it can be removed by running the following command:docker rm wm-rn-web-preview
For the first time, to create a container
and run it. you need to run the following command:docker container run -it --name wm-rn-web-preview -p19009:19009 wavemakerapp/wm-rn-web-preview
is the container name created.-p19009:19009
The -p option in Docker is used for port binding, and it follows the patternHostPort:DockerPort
is the image name.This will launch a terminal session in docker container, here we can use
commands.For example,
wm-reactnative run web-preview <preview_url> --clean
is the app preview url (eg:'')
Starting the Container
After setting up the container, To start the container, you can run the following command:
docker run -it wm-rn-web-preview /bin/bash