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Version: v11.10.2

WaveMaker 8.5 - Release date: 29 June 2017

This release includes enhancements and bug fixes to the product.


  1. WaveMaker platform has been upgraded to Tomcat Version 8.5.15. Despite this upgrade, the apps built on the upgraded platform can be deployed on to Tomcat 6.x & Tomcat 7.x in addition to Tomcat 8.x.
  • Apps deployed to WaveMaker Demo Cloud containers will automatically be migrated to the Tomcat 8.5 version.
  • Apps deployed to AWS will continue to work with Tomcat 6.x/7.x. These will not be migrated and these apps when re-deployed will be deployed to the same instance (with Tomcat 6.x/7.x). The new AWS deployments will be created with Tomcat 8.x version.
  1. In this release, the C3PO data source is being replaced with HikariCP data source to enhance performance. Our tests indicate that HikariCP improves the throughput by 20% and reduces the average response time by 15% when compared to C3PO.


1. Azure Deployment

WaveMaker Apps can now be deployed to your Azure Cloud account. When configuring the Deployment or Release Pipeline for an app, you can choose Azure Cloud as the deployment profile for Live (and Stage for WME users) phase. Know more #doc

2. Configuration Profile

App Environment properties are custom server side properties defined by app developers to externalize certain properties into configuration profiles. These property values can be set to be different for different runtime environments. WaveMaker allows the definition of app environment properties for development profile and changes to the values as required for deployment or other profiles. See here for usage instructions #doc.

3. VCS

From this release, you can push your app to any Git repository irrespective of the type of the provider. For this to work, you need to provide the URL of the Repository, Username, and Password. For more information, refer #doc.


Feature Enhancements


  • X-Frame-Options: The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header can be used to indicate whether or not a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame> <iframe> or <object>. Sites can use this to avoid clickjacking attacks, by ensuring that their content is not embedded into other sites. In WaveMaker, previously X-Frame options of every request made to WaveMaker was set to the Same Origin by default. From this release, deployment profile can be configured to set the X-frame-options to Deny, Same Origin or Allow From. For more information refer #doc.
  • Active Directory: The Active Directory under security, has been enhanced to support alternate UPN suffix, sAMAccountName etc.. For more usage scenarios refer #doc.


Blob Support: This release onwards, the Database queries and procedures have been enhanced to support the Blob parameter type. This enables uploading of Blob query and procedure param as well as handling response with Blob content. The use cases of Blob support are explained in #doc.

Page Title

From this release, ‘$scope.pageTitle’ can be used to access page title and/or programmatically change the same. For more information refer #doc.

Widgets Enhancements

Live Form and Data Table

Filter on Field property has been introduced for Live Form and editable Data Table. This property can be used to set cascading data which will restrict the display values for the current field based on the value of the field set for this property. See the relevant document for more: #datatable, #liveform

Live Form

Invoking the hightlightInvalidFields method on Save action of Live Form will highlight all invalid fields as an error and display appropriate error messages. This method can be accessed from the Actions tab of the Advanced Settings property of Live Form. #doc.

Form & Live Form

Form and Live Form Widgets have been enhanced to support validation type properties like HTML5 validation and Inline validation. Know more from #liveform #form.


Spinner widget has been enhanced to enable tracking of multiple variables. #doc.


The Calendar widget has been enhanced with additional methods to render the calendar view for next or previous year and more. #doc.


Bar Code Scanner: Valid format types for Barcode Scanner can be set using the new Bar Code Format property. See here for options #doc

Bug Fixes

  1. Live Form: In a Live Form, for fields set to be displayed using Checkbox or Toggle widget, when the field property was set to be Disabled it was being displayed as a Label. This issue has been addressed and the display format will be Checkbox or Toggle in disabled mode.

Known Issues

  • For PostgreSQL database, there is an issue with insert procedures involving with Blob columns.
  • For DB2 database, insert procedures involving columns of any type other than integer and string are not supported currently.

Technology Stack

UI Frameworks

DescriptionJS LibraryVersion
JS Bindingjquery2.2.3
MVC Frameworkangular1.6.4
CORS support, prefabsxdomain0.7.5
Built-in functionslodash4.16.4
Device support, gestureshammerjs2.0.8

*Optimised jQuery-UI library excluding unwanted components like accordion, datepicker, dialog, progressbar, spinner, tabs, and all jQuery-UI Effects.

Back-end Frameworks

DescriptionJava LibraryVersion
Spring Framework4.2.0
Security frameworkSpring Security4.1.2
Java JSON utilitiesGson2.2.4
DB Persistence libraryHibernate4.3.11
Sample databaseHSQL2.3.3
JSON libraryJackson2.6.3
Logging frameworkSLF4j1.7.12
Http client libraryHttpComponentsclient-4.5.2, core-4.3.2, mime-4.5.2
REST API annotationsSwagger1.3.10
Logging frameworkLog4j1.2.17

Run Time Environment

JDK1.7 1.8

*Though the WaveMaker apps are developed on Tomcat ver 8.5, the generated war files can be deployed to Tomcat versions 6.x, 7.x and 8.x.