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Version: v11.10.2

Integrate Twilio connector into WaveMaker App

Learn how to send/receive SMS, MMS and also WhatsApp Messages using Twilio connector.

Twilio Service

Twilio is a cloud based communication platform which performs communication functions using its API's. Twilio lets you receive SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, Voice messages or even respond to the messages and many more services.

This connector exposes api to send messages to and receive messages from Twilio using WaveMaker application.

Step 1: Importing the twilio-connector to project

  1. Download the latest twilio connector zip here
  2. Import the downloaded twilio connector zip into your app using the Import Resource option to the Connector folder.

Step 2: Configure twilio configurable properties in profiles

  1. By default externalized connector properties are added in the project profiles Know More.
  2. Connector externalized properties are prefixed with connector.${connectorName}

Step 3: Integrating Twilio into Application

Autowire the Connector Service into the added JavaService.

Import Statement:

import com.wavemaker.connector.twilio.TwilioConnector;
private TwilioConnector twilioConnector;

Send SMS to device

Send transactional message to the given number.

public void sendSMSToDevice(String toPhoneNumber, String messageBody){

Send MMS messages to device

Send MMS message to the phone number.

Import Statements.

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public void sendMMS(String toPhoneNumber, String messageBody){
List<URI> mediaUris = new ArrayList<>();
URI url = null;
try {
url = new URI(""); //Add URL string here
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

Send WhatsApp Messages

Send Message From Twilio to your WhatsApp.

Import Statements.

import java.util.List;
public void sendWhatsAppMessage(String toPhoneNumber, String messageBody){
List<URI> mediaUris = new ArrayList<>();
URI url = null;
try {
url = new URI(""); //Add URL string here
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

Twilio Responding to your SMS/MMS/WhatsApp Message

Receive and respond back to the device from twilio (here in the below example when twilio receives message from the user then it registers a complaint into the db and returns back the complaint details to the user device).

import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import com.wavemaker.connector.twilio.TwilioMessageListener;
import com.wavemaker.connector.twilio.model.TwilioMessage;
public void respondToMessage(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response){
twilioConnector.receiveAndRespondTwilioMessage(request, response, new TwilioMessageListener() {
public String onMessage(TwilioMessage twilioMessage) {
String body=twilioMessage.getText();"TwilioRequest: "+twilioMessage.toString());
//You can write your business logic here and send a response to the caller.
//Here the following code add's request in the database
TicketDetails details=new TicketDetails();
TicketDetails createdDetails=ticketService.create(details);
//Returning the message that twilio should respond back to the device
String responseMessage = "Hi, Your Complaint has been registered with TicketNo.: " +createdDetails.getTicketNo()+ " with Subject "+createdDetails.getSubject();
return responseMessage;

In case of SMS/MMS this method API should be configured in the Twilio Account under "PhoneNumber" section as Webhook and incase of WhatsApp, this method API should be configured in "WhatsApp Sandbox Settings" section in the Twilio Account under "Programming PhoneNumber"->"Settings" section as Webhook.

Implementing OTP

Send OTP to the Phone Number

This API makes it simple to add user verification to your application. It supports codes sent via VOICE, SMS, and EMAIL. This API return value will be used to check if the given phone number is valid or not.

Import Statements.

import com.wavemaker.connector.twilio.constant.Channel;
import com.wavemaker.connector.twilio.model.VerificationResult;
public VerificationResult sendOTPCode(String phoneNumber){
return twilioConnector.sendOTP(phoneNumber,Channel.SMS);

Channel refers to an Enum.

SMS("sms"), CALL("call"), EMAIL("email");


Incase if Channel is set as EMAIL, then create "Twilio Sendgrid" account and also create dynamic template in SendGrid and configure the SendGrid API key, TemplateId, Default from Mail under Twilio -> Verify -> EmailIntegration section.

The number of digits of OTP value you want twilio to send should be configured in Twilio->Verify->Services section.

Validate OTP sent to given channel

This API will validate the entered OTP.

public Boolean validateOTP(String phoneNumber, String otpCode){
VerificationResult result=twilioConnector.verifyOTP(phoneNumber,otpCode);
return result.isValid();