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Version: v11.10.2

SAML Integration - OneLogin

OneLogin is a cloud-based IAM vendor providing users a secure SSO portal to access all their cloud and on-prem applications from any device.

Following are the steps to Configure SAML with OneLogin:

  1. Create Account with OneLogin and add an App
  2. Setup security for WaveMaker app using SAML and obtain Single Logout URL
  3. From OneLogin, using the above Single Lougout URL obtain the Issuer URL
  4. Complete the WaveMaker App security by setting the MetaData URL to the Issuer URL

Steps in OneLogin Integration:

  1. Create an Account with OneLogin.
  2. Login with the URL mentioned in activation email.
  3. Add an App onelogin_1
  4. Clicking on ADD APP button will take you to the following screen: onelogin_2
  5. Select the one highlighted in the above screenshot leading to the info screen onelogin_3
  6. Enter a display name and proceed to configuration step onelogin_4
  7. From WaveMaker Security Page for SAML under Security Provider Info provide the following info
    1. Copy the Metadata URL from the Security Provider Info and paste it in the Audience URL in One Login Configuration as shown above.
    2. Copy the Audience URL from the Security Provider Info and paste it in the Recipient, ACS Consumer URL Validator and ACS Consumer URL in One Login Configuration as shown above.
    3. Copy the Single Logout URL from the Security Provider Info to the Single Logout URL in One Login Configuration as shown above.
  8. Now move to the SSO Page onelogin_5
  9. From the above page copy the Issuer URL (which is the Identity Provider Metadata URL).
  10. WaveMaker Security Configuration:
    1. Paste the URL Copied in the previous step in the MetaData URL Field and press Enter. This will automatically populate the endpoint URL.
    2. When you Run the App you will get the Login UI screen of the IDP. onelogin_6
    3. Login and you will be directed to the landing page of your WaveMaker app onelogin_7

App Security Cases